Assessment of Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior in a CAC Setting

Learning Objectives

Distinguish developmentally expected from problematic sexual behaviors (PSB), understand the etiology of PSB, and differentiate youth with PSB verses adult sex offenders. 

Understand the use of appropriate standardized assessment instruments to measure the dynamics contributing to PSB and to inform assessment driven treatment planning. 

Recognize the role CAC’s have in educating and, when necessary, shifting their community’s practices around appropriate assessment and treatment of these youth.

Description of workshop 

CAC’s are uniquely positioned to provide education and guidance to their community in assessing and serving youth with problematic sexual behaviors (PSB). CAC leadership and mental health providers will learn the etiology of PSB, how to distinguish developmentally expected behaviors from PSB, and differentiate youth with PSB from adult sex offenders. Appropriate standardized assessment instruments will be reviewed. Providers will acquire knowledge around incorporating these instruments into assessment driven treatment planning to effectively address complex contributing factors in the development of PSB.